Saturday, July 25, 2009

Auto Loan Jay

My social security numbers as it is safe? 24. July 2009 6:44 pm (as to a Kfz dealer) (800-901-5950, compli, conetrix, dealerspan, federal trade Commission, gotplates, Kevin Kellerman, Peter what, red flag autohouse school, red flag Compliance, talk flag rules research) of Privacy Rights Clearinghouse my Social Security NUMBER: Is it how safe? 1. Introduction history of the SSN use. If social security numbers became for the first time in the year 1936 have the Federal Government in relation to auto loan Jay the public that the use of the numbers became on the social security of programs, like e.g. the computation of the old-age pension. Today however, the social security number (SSN) has itself to de-facto-national identification. (You read the history of the SSN with www.socialsecurity.govhistoryssnssncards.html.) National places and private enterprises use SSNs for a multiplicity of non-social security purpose - like for example coworker files, medical recordings, health

insurance account, Kredit-und banking accounts, University of ID card, utility model accounts, Lobbyists the silver lining in health care storm? - The Associated Press and much more besides. The use of SSNs as an identification and a Authenticator makes these numbers extremely desirable, criminal ones, like identity thieves. (They read: & amp; quot; Why SSNs are not suitable for the Authentifizierung, & amp; quot; www.privacyrights.orgarFTC-SSNworkshop-Speech.htm.) SSNs in national and local government agency recordings. US Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigation arm of the congress, for the first time on the potential for identity theft, those by SSNs in public documents in the year auto loan Jay 2006 (www.gao.govnew.itemsd06586t.pd f). In its recent report about, those in September 2008, GAO estimated that 85 per cent of the largest, most settled districts asked the data records contain can SSNs in Verkaufs-oder Bulk on-line. Usually SSNs in national and local court

files and local real estate property become. (www.gao.govnew.itemsd081009r.pd f) agencies generally place no restrictions regarding the re-use of data, which in public archives, which means that information knows hands is often and even outsourced to foreign suppliers. Administration launches school reform contest - Boston Globe Since the GAO report earlier many states work now to limit SSNs in public archives. These late efforts however nothing, around the millions of SSNs already in public recordings. Federal Office use. The GAO report of 2006 stated that SSNs are on millions of maps, those of federal authorities, under it 42 million Medicare maps, 8 million department OF Defense identification maps and insurance maps, and 7 million veteran affairs identification maps. There the connection between identity theft and auto loan Jay wide-spread use of the SSNs is undisputed, the federation has to the containment of their use. In the year 2006 the

president has an executive, over over the establishment of the task Force identity theft. The report became in April 2007. Right at the top on a list of 31 recommendations the demand became, around the unnecessary use of SSNs in the public sector. One October 2008 the measures of the federation will have report, there to the determination Cornyn to vote against Sotomayor's confirmation - Dallas Morning News and reduction of the use of SSNs. Around more to experience over the Identity Theft task Force & amp; quot; and its report to read, you go to above all the departments OF Defense (DOD) in April 2008 announced that the complete SSN no more on military identification maps. The DOD also announced that the SSN already eliminates health identification maps. Both the IR and Ministry of Justice now the announcement of the complete SSN in property pledge auto

loan Jay right measures with County Courts. And, a senate Bill (S 3512) became in September 2008 became a Minister for health and social services, around the SSN MediCare of identity cards. Humans in some States of a driving licence or a by the state issued document of identification, in which their SSN is as the ID number. This is now forbidden by Federal law. Who recommended with such a driving licence, around a replacement, that with an alternative number (perhaps US border agent slain, manhunt launched - United Press International it a fee for the new map gives). Persons, those regularly the maps, those their social security number knows this to an endangerment for identity theft by loss, theft or visual exposition of the map. The GAO report of 2006 stated that the absence comprehensive, uniform policy for the unnecessary load of the personal social security number. Subsequently,

the Federal Office for management and household (OMB), based on recommendations of the Identity Theft task Force & amp; quot; , auto loan Jay of the government examination of the SSN arranges itself used. OMB actions as well as other efforts around uniform standards and the use of SSNs into federal data records are into the report of the task Force (see pages 6-10). Threat of data injuries. Their social security is held also frequently as your identification number in many computer files, the access on the information, which wants you, secretly and makes a simple possibility possible of the linkage of data auto loan Jay bases. The files utility enterprises are only one example of such a use. In the last years, messages of data, in those offences against SSNs are endangered are daily. Find into the VR China the data against web page: www.privacyrights.orgarChronDataBreaches.htm. Sale of

SSNs. An important request is the sale of SSNs over the Internet by the information brokers. & amp; quot; As for a long time as criminal ones a list troubled with the names and SSNs can become Gates' Liberal College Town No Stranger to Racial Dust-Ups - ABC News by an Internet auction, we further of the consequences, die& amp; quot; Social Security administration the general inspector determined. (Statement before the sub-committee for the social security of the house committee over means and ways, 10 July 2003, ID = 655) in the last years, most information has brokers shortens practice sale SSNs. If you still sell knowledge of such enterprises, SSNs to the broad public would hear yourselves we from you to. The legislation became into the auto loan Jay U.S. Congress in the last years to forbid the commercial sale of SSNs. The newest version

is the protection of the privacy of Social Security Numbers act 2009 (HR 122 and P. 141), those into the U.S. Senate in the year 2009. So far none has to mark. (You use the search function in, around these calculations. see also for the newest information over the legislative activity of the congress.) For the use of identity thieves. Lawmakers Approve Most Budget Measures - Washington Post Identity thieves SSNs search, then they know these numbers, those for identity of a another person and fraud. It is relatively simple for someone, that in fraudulent use of your SSN to the acceptance, your identity and the entrance to your bank account, credit accounts, supply recordings, and other sources of the personal data. Identity thieves know also new Kredit-und bank accounts in your name, or use you SSN for vocational reasons or around the medical supply. (See

VR auto loan Jay China abstracts 17 and 17 (A) about identity theft, www.privacyrights.orgidentity.htm) from there it is meaningful, the entrance to your SSN whenever this is possible. While the potenziellen SSNs is large and are accessible, you can seize measures, around your SSN from the hand of potenziellen thieves. If you do this, become the chances, the list that approximately 8-9 million American, those to the identity theft victim per year. (For on the left of on the recent survey data, you As She Steps Down, Palin Vows to Reclaim Ethics Fight - Washington Post visit www.privacyrights.orgaridtheftsurveys.htm.) The efforts to the decrease of the exposition of SSNs. Official efforts are also under way, around use of SSNs. For example, the Social Security administration has shortens SSNs over the statements to profit it emails per year. Suggested Staats-und Federal Law became, around some innumerable other applications of the

numbers. Distance of SSNs of public documents becomes difficult, expensive and very long process. Until reaches, if at all, to protect is in our all interests his auto loan Jay SSN whenever this is possible. In December 2008 the federal trade Commission (FTC) has a report five measures to avoidance from SSNs, those for identity theft. The FTC s most important recommendation was that the congress the measures use those to the improvement of the procedures, the private organizations for the Authentifizierung of their customers identities. At present only the private organizations are, those country widely Authentifizierung are financial establishments by the Swiss federal interbank commission agencies. The FTC Mayor's arrest puts spotlight on historic city - Philadelphia Inquirer s other recommendations, around the public representation and the transmission of SSNs; Creation of national standards for the data protection and the injury of the report behavior of contacts

to enterprises and consumers, and the coordination and exchange of information over the use of SSNs. The complete report is callable under http:ftc.govos200812P075414ssnreport.pdf 2nd why my social security number used, as often as an identification number? Computer recordings to a large extent replaces paper file systems in enterprises and authorities. auto loan Jay There more than one person knows the same name, exactly the call of information functioned best, if each file is a clear number assigned. Many enterprises and authorities believe that the SSN is ideally for this purpose. Abe

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